The resit period is an essential opportunity for students at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne who did not achieve the required average in certain subjects during the first exam session. This guide aims to help you navigate this crucial period by providing all the necessary information to access your convocations and understand the implications of your results.
Accessing Resit Convocations
Step 1: Log in to the Digital Workspace (ENT)
- Go to the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. website
- Click on the "ENT" tab located at the top of the homepage to access the student space.
- Log in with your university credentials (username and password).
Étape 2: Access Your Convocations
- Once logged into the student space, click on "Études & scolarité" then on "Calendriers et modalités des examens" (Calendriers et modalités des examens).
2. Click on the link indicated by the red arrow.
3. Click on the schedule with the red arrow to access your invitation schedule.
( This is an example. )
Conduct of Resit Exams
Dates and Organization
The resit period extends over 15 days and is organized in two phases:
- Oral exams: From Monday, June 17 to Wednesday, June 19, 2024 inclusive.
- Written exams: From Thursday, June 20 to Saturday, June 29, 2024 inclusive.
Key Dates
- Start of resit exams : Monday, June 17, 2024
- End of resit exams : Saturday, June 29, 2024
- Results publication : Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Choosing Subjects for Resits
Resit Strategy
- If you have a large number of subjects to resit and cannot cover everything, it is crucial to prioritize subjects where you have the highest chances of passing (10/20 or higher).
Impact of Resit Grades
- The grade you obtain during the resit will be the grade recorded on your transcript for the corresponding session (semester 1 or 2). Therefore, choosing the subjects to resit carefully is important to maximize your overall average.
Referring to Modalities of Knowledge and Skills Assessment (MECC)
To determine whether a subject will be assessed through oral or written tests, refer to the MECC.
The MECC indicates:
- The ECTS points obtained for each validated teaching unit.
- Subjects assessed through continuous assessment and those through terminal assessment.
- The coefficients of each subject.
- The duration of each assessment.
For session 2, the MECC specifies whether the teaching unit will be resit through oral, written, or multiple-choice tests.
Accessing MECC
The MECC for each program and for the three years of the bachelor's degree are available on the university's website at the following address: Catalogue des formations.
It's enough to research your training in the research bar to access relevant information.
What happens if you do not pass the resit session?
Consequences of Failure
Failing to achieve the required average in resit exams can lead to several consequences:
- Non-validation of the academic year : You will not be able to proceed to the next year.
- Year repetition: You will need to repeat the year and retake the subjects that were not validated.
The Importance of Resit Sessions for Repeat Students
Why take resit exams even if you are repeating the year?
Even if you are aware that you will repeat the year, it is advantageous to take resit exams for several reasons:
- Partial validation : Subjects validated in resits do not need to be retaken the following year. This reduces your workload and allows you to focus on the remaining subjects.
- Time and effort savings : Validating certain subjects now will reduce your workload during the repeat year.
Exam Schedule
First Semester Exams
- Exam period : From Monday, January 8 to Saturday, January 13, 2024 inclusive (oral exams prioritized on January 8 and 9).
- Results publication : Thursday, February 15, 2024 in the evening. Some master's programs deliberate until the end of March.
Second Semester Exams
- Exam period: From Monday, May 6 to Friday, May 17, 2024 inclusive (oral exams prioritized on May 16 and 17).
- Results publication : Thursday, May 30, 2024 in the evening. Some master's programs deliberate until the end of September.
Second Session Calendar (Resit Exams)
- Calendar publication : Wednesday, June 12, 2024.
- Resit period : From Monday, June 17 to Saturday, June 29, 2024 inclusive.
- Oral exams : From June 17 to 19 inclusive.
- Written exams : From June 20 to 29 inclusive.
- Closure for Ascension Day: Exams interrupted on June 8, 9, and 10, 2024.
The resit period is an important opportunity to retake exams and validate your academic year. Take the time to prepare well and utilize the resources provided by the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact the administrative services of your faculty for assistance.
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Resit Period Guide for Students of Bordeaux Montaigne University